Safe Routes to School (SRTS) is an international movement promoting walking and bicycling to school by supporting efforts to make it safe, convenient and fun for children to do so. When routes are safe, walking or biking to and from school is an easy way to get the regular physical exercise that children need for a healthy lifestyle. Safe Routes to School initiatives also help to ease traffic congestion and air pollution, improve community spirit and contribute to students' readiness to learn in school.

The Connecticut SRTS program is sponsored by the Connecticut Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration with the goal of enabling and encouraging children, in grades kindergarten-eighth (K-8,) to walk and bicycle to school through community technical assistance and safety education.

Many SRTS communities have shown improved student academic and/or physical education performance, improved health, reduced traffic congestion, better air quality, and enhanced neighborhood safety through infrastructure improvements and community support.

Our team coordinates statewide public outreach on SRTS initiatives, as well as offers related training activities, technical assistance and administers an infrastructure grant program.



Champion Toolkit

Connecticut Safe Routes to School Coordinator

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